How to tackle Negative Thoughts during COVID-19 Lock down phase

Photo from Pexels

In this difficult situation, we come up with negative thoughts which harm our mind. It’s easy to get lost in the news and become disoriented in these quick-changing times.
I know you may feel really anxious and confused so I am here to tell you that you’re not alone. While it’s important to stay home and keep our distance from others in order to protect our communities, we also have to take care of bodies and minds. Here are some steps you can take to alleviate stress, stay productive, and stay positive. 

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits...      
                                                                                 - Mahatma Gandhi

1) Take care of your mental health and body

The best way to ensure that you can still get your work done right is by taking care of your bodily needs first. You’ll be able to think a lot better if you are eating right and getting enough sleep. Taking care of your body can take many forms. The most important things are to get the necessary nutrients from your food, keep your regular sleep schedule, and maintain personal hygiene. A plus would be getting exercise while at home. It might help you sleep better and help you work off anxiety. And taking care of your mental health is very necessary for these circumstances because people normally lose their cool. Staying positive and productive is the only way to have a good mental health.

    Here are some online minutes of workout videos!

These are the workouts recommended by me because I have personally followed them :)

2)Make a habit of planning your days

Make a schedule
When everything changes so fast, one of the best things you can do to stay on track is sticking to a schedule. This will not only help you keep up with work, but also help you remember to take care of yourself and maintain your mental health. Scheduling is the art of planning your activities so that you can achieve your goals and priorities in the time you have available. 

    Some tips will help you with making a great schedule .

3)Live in the moment!

At tough times we are so focused on the mind-paralyzing fears and worries that we fail to enjoy even the simplest pleasures of life.

 Take a moment and think about other things that you are taking for granted now.  Enjoy the simple pleasures as it will give huge happiness compared to whining overs worries.

4)Don't be hard on yourself 

We know how fast this big change came about. It can be very disorienting and nerve-wracking, so we have to remember to give ourselves a break and be patient with ourselves. It’s okay to ask for an extension on an assignment, ask to be alone for a while or just give yourself time to process your feelings. It’s completely normal and natural to have some extra anxiety right now. We’re all dealing with this in our different ways, but we have to remember that we aren’t doing this alone.

 Don't be hard on yourself , give it a rest get some mental health if you feel you are not ready for the world if you feel down. Look after yourself.

5)Write How you feel it will help you to get things right ..

As an emotional person and someone who has hard time telling and expressing things the best way to express is to write things down. writing things down can help clear your mind even I write down when I feel low and sad it has helped me to calm down in situations and help me find a peaceful mind. writing things down is also a creative way of expressing oneself, so in situations like this if you are not willing to express to anybody how you feel write it down it will make you calm and you would be burden-free.

6) This Too Shall Pass

As the first attempt to stay positive, I developed a mind-set with the most powerful wordings of all time ‘This too shall pass’.
What does this mean?
Happiness or sadness will pass away soon and nothing is permanent in this life. And let me tell you that, this is common for every living person. Rich or poor, this rule of life never change. Does it make you feel better?
Your present life situation maybe extremely difficult to cope up, but please remember that it is going to end soon and happiness is around the corner.

7)Find humor in bad situations that always works!!

“A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing.” ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

Remind yourself that this situation will probably make for a good story later and try to crack a joke about it.

In your darkest hours, if you find something funny, allow yourself to laugh. Many studies have shown that laughter and humor have a huge array of benefits including strengthening the immune system, reducing pain, and stress and increasing energy.
If you are going through a difficult experience or are generally feeling down, humor may accidentally find you. Embrace it.

Laughter is a remarkable healing force, allowing you to forget yourself and bond with the person you are laughing with.

                                                        Pictures are taken via pexels 



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